That's me... virtually in your pocket ->
Every week you’ll submit a form to ask your question and you’ll receive an answer in both text and audio format.
Questions are answered every Tuesday within the Membership hub for all to see (this way everyone benefits!) in both text and audio format.
There are a minimum of 2 “Office Hours” event per month where you can connect with me 1:1 on Voxer and ask your questions in private.
You can submit your questions to me via Voxer anytime, making it ideal for members in any time zone! They’ll get answered during Office Hours.
How about EASY AF!? I hate hate hate it when you decide a membership isn’t for you, and the host makes you jump through hoops to leave.
I am confident that you’re gonna love the Go Ask Kimi membership. But if you don’t, you can cancel anytime.
In fact, I even show you how to do it with a very simple 3-step process (complete with pictures!) within the membership. Join with the confidence that you really can exit quietly anytime you’d like without anybody badgering you.
This is sort of like group coaching, without a big group of people to keep up with. You can come and go as you please without feeling like you have to participate.
But I’m betting you have some amazing questions that someone else might benefit from, and so every week I collect and answer the questions within the membership hub.
Your name, question, and the answer in both text + audio format will be listed.
If you rather ask your question privately, you can wait until our Monthly Office Hours, or book a 1:1 coaching call for a discount within the membership.
Totally understand the concern! I live on the East coast of the United States (in South Carolina, if you care to know more specifically).
Monthly Office Hours typically occur between 10am and 5pm ET.
If this doesn’t work well for your time zone, just let me know – we can try to work on that. You otherwise are free to send your message to me before Office Hours begin, and I’ll answer it during that time slot.