Giving away Free content doesn't mean you can't make money from it!

You worked hard to create your free opt-in. Whether it’s something you designed, a compilation of knowledge you’ve acquired, a helpful resource for your readers, or a breakdown of steps…

Your freebie is worth more than someone’s email address, and it’s time to treat it as the money-making opportunity it is.

Okay, so you can’t force someone to buy from you…

But you can make sure you give them every possible chance to give you their money!

You’ve been programmed into believing that you should give away something magical for free in exchange for someone’s email address. That’s all well and good, but how much money are you making from people as a result of this?

Free content should create buying opportunities for your subscribers – whether it’s directly from you, or from a product you’re an affiliate for.

The key is to learn how to “Whisper Pitch”… to sell great ideas and useful products to your audience without actually selling it to them. And that’s exactly what we want you to get from this purchase.

Why would someone spend money if it’s free?

Free Doesn't = Not Valuable!

Your free content doesn’t exist solely for the purpose of hopefully growing an email list – it’s there to provide a solution and be a highly valuable problem solver for someone.

It’s a strategic effort in providing something your audience needs in a way that they can’t help but throw money at it, because the time-saver or the solution is just too damn good to pass up.

It’s time to stop wasting energy creating the wrong types of free content that doesn’t even lead to anything someone can buy.


Money-Making Freebies

Strategies for creating the kind of content that people can’t help but want to get their hands on – not just because it’s free, but because they NEED it.

But even more importantly… You’ll learn all of the places you should be offering to sell them something whether it’s something you’ve created yourself, or a product you’re an affiliate for.

You want testimonials?

The Nice Words

The freebies I had weren’t made to make any money, just to get me an email. When I decided to completely delete those and create new ones, I knew I wanted to make them better, and to start making money with them, but I definitely needed some useful tips & tricks to actually do it right (that’s where this training comes in).

– Marina Guša

I love it! It helped me to FINALLY make a freebie after over two years in business. You showed me how to not be afraid to add value to a freebie and what to include to allow anyone who signs up to continue to get to know, like, and trust me.

– Audrey Hodge

It really opened my eyes to how a freebie can make you money. Before this, I just thought freebies were for getting people on your list, then you can sell them your offers and interact with them. But with this training, I saw how even the freebie itself can make you money before you start with sending emails. And it was explained in such an easy-to-understand way.

– Etinosa Uwa

Frequently Asked Questions

Oh heck yes. If affiliate marketing is at all on your radar, my strategies totally apply to you. You don’t need a product of your own in order to make offers in your freebies. You just need a clear reason you’re selling products to people (which we’ll talk more about in the training!)

You will have lifetime access to the course, plus any future updates and resources.

If you don’t have time right now for this training, I understand – we all have a lot on our plate. But I encourage you to consider the amount of time you’ve likely already wasted on your freebies and what a difference it could make to sit through a training that at the very least will improve your thought process when creating free content going forward.

Plus… the price of this training will increase as more resources are added to it!

Hi 👋🏻 I’m Kimi Kinsey!

Business Strategist & Affiliate Marketing Nerd

Nearly a decade ago, someone convinced me that I needed to create freebies… that it would somehow be the magic thing that grew my email list and made me lots of money.

No one gave me a strategy to pair with all the stuff I was making. That was something I had to painstakingly figure out for myself. So I spent a few years throwing a bunch of freebies into the void in exchange for email addresses I’d never connect with again.

Now I create intentional content that attracts subscribers and keeps them around for the long haul. They LOVE the free content, buy from my affiliate links, and eventually go on to buy my products too!

And now you won’t have to waste tons of valuable time like I did.


Yes, this is a student favorite

More of the Nice Words

It totally revolutionized the way I think about Freebies! Now I feel confident that I will grow affiliate sales, my own product sales, and continue to grow a strong relationship with my audience!! In short, I’m obsessed with the training! Plus I love how easy it was to take in!

– Yazzi Huerta

I was always second guessing the simple things that I could create that would be of value. Now I have clarity in confidence in my free offerings.

– Felicity Collard

It was really enlightening! I’ve only been through it once but I can already tell it’s something I’ll be going back through a couple more times. I’m super excited about my first couple of freebies – they’ll be leading towards a course eventually – and now I’m considering all sorts of things that will lead to money-making opportunities!

– Kate Martin

Let's Make Money from Freebies!

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to produce a free content upgrade that entices people to join your email list, primes them for buying, and gets them clicking that buy button!

Here’s a recap of what you’ll receive when you buy now: