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Just say Hello.

Filling out the contact form below ensures that I can respond quickly and thoughtfully, while addressing your specific needs.

You’ll usually hear back from me within 48 hours, Monday through Friday. I reserve the right to nap on weekends and not answer emails. 😅
But first, do me a favor…

Let's nix these asks, deal?

Please don’t send me Coaching types questions. My students deserve all of my time and energy, and they invest their hard-earned money in my courses and coaching offers to get it. I offer cash flow friendly coaching options that you can sign up for instead, like my Go Ask Kimi monthly membership.

Or, try your luck with my Facebook group Multi-Passionate Entrepreneurs. Time and energy permitting, this would be a good space for you to ask your questions and get support from me and others.

You're not the only one wondering

Do you offer website design as a service?

That would be a big “no”. I really appreciate it if you like my website, but I am a far cry from being a web designer. I barely like doing it for myself. If you like my website, consider checking out the theme that it’s based on by Hello You Designs.

Do you still offer graphic design services?

Sorry! – I do not. I left freelance graphic design work in 2018 and I’m much happier and feeling fulfilled in the role I can play in your business today.

What do you use to do _____?

Chances are, if I’m using it… it’s listed on my Business Resources page. But if you do happen to see something that you think is just really freaking cool and you can’t figure out what it is, feel free to drop me a line – I’m not here for secrets.

The Contact Form